The Rotary Action Plan

As a Rotary Club president, you hold the key to the future success of Rotary International. Each Rotarian represents and embodies the ideals of Rotary, and the club president is poised to bring your unique vision to action. If you are ready to supercharge your club but need a concrete plan, the tools you need are already at your disposal. These tools have been developed by experts and used by Rotary leaders throughout the world.

Service projects are the best way to achieve all the goals of the Action Plan. An engaging project ignites passion for service for existing members and attracts new members. Anyone who shares our passion for service would want to know who we are and what we do. Doing service projects in the community allows potential members to experience Rotary first-hand.

As the Rotary Action Plan champion, I will introduce you to the best resources that can assist you in your mission. Here are three simple things that you can do to set things in motion. Please view the video below and we will embark on an amazing Rotary year together.

  • Strategic Planning Guide

    Schedule a special planning meeting at the start of the Rotary year. Invite all of the club members, but the all of the club board members should be present.

    Download the strategic planning guide and distribute it to all participants so everyone can complete the worksheets at the same time.

    Allot at least one hour for this exercise. Gather input from as many people as you can. This will serve as the blueprint for your club for the next three years. Don’t hesitate to amend and improve it.

  • Club Central

    There is already an online tracking tool designed for each Rotary club on The key is to keep the goals up to date and review the progress on a regular basis.

    Only club leaders have access to set and modify the goals, but everyone should have a voice in devising strategies in achieving these goals

  • Review, Revise, Repeat

    Many clubs have already established strategic plans and set club goals, but these goals are not often reviewed regularly and hence the club cannot achieve the optimal impact with them.

    Please include a review of the club’s goals on Club Central at every board meeting. Set aside ten minutes on the meeting agenda for a brief review and discussion on each goal.